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EU criticises UK's 'hasty' approval of COVID-19 vaccine
EU criticizes UK's rapid approval of Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine
U.K. regulators approve Pfizer vaccine for distribution ahead of European Union
EU approves use of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
A united coronavirus vaccination plan is worth a little wait. EUdebates pandemic next steps
UK vaccine approval: UK health Secretary's claim Brexit sped up approval contradicted by regulator
World Review on EU Budget, Russia's UK Influence, and COVID-19 Vaccine Wars
EMA meets to decide whether or not to approve Moderna vaccine
EU to approve first COVID-19 vaccine by end of year
Boris Johnson urges caution as UK becomes first country to authorise Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine
Curing Covid-19: EU looks to secure millions of doses of vaccines
U.K. Rolls Out New Vaccine as France Lags Europe